Isthmus of Ignatz

Brick by Brick

Sunday, January 30, 2005


Liked Rushdies style effusively enough to pick up a surprisingly effervescent Macmillliam Modern Novelist
on Rushd by DCRA Goonetilleke. That sounds Sinhalese and he's good. Here's what I picked up from chpt 1
in a patch where he's debating grimus' genre placement. and sc-fi is what he appears closest to, now:

'Eric S Rabkin observes: 'a good work of science fiction makes one and only one assumption about its narrative
world that violates our knowledge about our own world and then extrapolates that narrative world from that difference'.
In Grimus however there are several areas of difference. Time is arrsted. There is life in different dimensions.
There are two conflicting principles employed in the functioning of the narrative... '

Also for those with the buds for this, the form (of Grimus) fits that of Bakhtin's 'Menippean satire' - 'characteristic for
the Menippea is a wide use of inserted genres ... the inserted genres are presented at various distances from
the ultimate authorial position, that is, with varying degrees of parodying and objectification'.

Friday, January 28, 2005


nothing short of a nice start is what i call it - got up at 3 and went jogging at 4 just like the atmospheric old times. and theres nothing like just you and an empty street at that time. didnt meet a single soul for a whole 15 minutes, there were the dogs and an old woman in a sweater then a ragpicka and then a gardner who wanted to water me. if u havent had the experience u should. never been attacked once considering the time and danger- jayamahals. in the frazer town though it was an attack every week. the comforting thing is they were lookin for valuables but it was admittedly creepy running and then suspecting and knowing ur been run after. but you and an empty street in the dark - just a wind and a hum - theres no second.
my blog trips seems tove come full circle with serenas defeat of sharapova. o yes - life ur back as i want it!
Think of the Chipko movement.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

We are not what we think we are. The working week ended on a markedly foolish note and destroyed my plans for the weekend. And now this glorious Sunday morning while reading from the book of ramanujan poems, feeling i'm giving the delivery of a lifetime, bigsis tells me i'm overdoing it. laying it on too thick this poetry back to back. ingrate she should know she is. my bookclub is not shaping as it should have and thinking of putting up an ad and posters. Desperate to learn swedish and move to Upssala because its as deserted as it gets. sea of keyed-in humanity has left me no wiser and informed just marooned higher than when i came. to want space cannot be asking for much. missed all lib dates. what is my fine?

Monday, January 17, 2005

All you who leap tonight

I get Saturdays off for the first time in my piddling working life!!
Dedicated to library.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Mother of the great indian squidbeak has passed on a certain leaning. And one thinks that beaks's tendencies towards men is much like her mother's posture aux animaux: better observed than encountered. But the thrill of slumming with girlfriends and ooing over male beasts, my weakness for the expanse of male backs, theirs for fingertips, voices. supreme awful. In any case hearing a lot about assexuality. Intrasting. The truth is: been caught in an infatuation with one that just isnt leaving. This will probabaly plateau some way. chance encounter? dont think. And then theres this man iguana thinks is ooo for his work and really unconventional visage-wise. All tell me though and really the truth is he does look very like veerapan, very bandit and uncouth. 'SO what' i say? As long as he has a back. Iguana believes its the greatest invention. Its the world.
Once our trio formed the sculpture, walked into darling koshys after ages yesterday evening, found the predestinated free table, poised my bottom above the chair before we had to walk out because sinuses of friend 1 dismissed the lack of ventilation, steam, stuff and bodies. So barista across. tossed someones coat that occupied a whole table for 3 across to the settee and aplombed. She walked over in a huff to fetch it but without a chance of reclaiming our table. To be a bitch is special. There was so much to catch on, dont think any of us ever completed a sentence before being cut off. Sat 2 hours. Walk out to church street, ate somewhere and outed and still hadnt completed all news. Well something for next time. if.
Looks liek among us 3, beak was the only one who aired a defined preference for older males. Thinking the travel guy. getting them this year. mark that*

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Iguana will not get into even attempting to figure out why:
countless job offers struck her from even previously inconceivable directions the exact day she signed an appointment letter. Some roads are just pointless. There was this whole 6 months of exquisite destitution, when not even the wildest of overtures for commited labour met with even feigned interest in her value for other purposes. the iguana roars in incomprehension. it bothers her. it bothers her not. it bothers. now she's getting the heebiejeebies cos as recommended before iguana's got to remember: dont look back. don't.
Meeting fweinds tommrw. Tell me it pans out. All girly chat-trap. Yumm.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Back as a copyeditor. A year. Tsee how it goes. Report this 17th.
Think the saris worn all 2 days what did it. Suddenly even ppl on the street looked up to me. Is that all it takes? Have amassed 5 anti-style saris over 2 months. But work - the 2 guys seem hoho, the honchos a lady and tough. didnt drive the greatest of deals myself payway but this is different from destitution. Must get wise and well. All glitz is office interiors. funny. Buying my scrabble board tommorow - gangarams maybe. How far will iguana go in the Sunday tournament? Does she evn care?

Thursday, January 06, 2005

The only reason these images are being put up here without regard to copyright is: to unsettle you. did foucault say something about the myth of repression? Plans got rewritten cos a genetic neighbour brought Chocolat from her library. While she died with her static Zola, iguana gloried in every minute of Chocolat even though the memory of of the filmic adaptation was still fresh. Simple, straight, viscous with magic.
the best things are unplanned. streak if you want too. walk out of your job. kiss all. move on. just dont look back.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Scrabble please

Iggyll be there board under arm in the open tournament, looking for victims. You dont have to represent your co fyou dont want to. Thats what the opens for.
iGATE - KSSA Bangalore Open Scrabble Tournament, Bangalore
Date: 9th January, 2005
Venue: Bangalore Badminton Association

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Sontag and Tsunami
Noticed something in photographs of Kate Moss. ha

Monday, January 03, 2005


In a season of disarray, so many plans are being redrawn and so is the yatra had been talking about. The dates 17-25 are still the same but its going to be Nagapatnam. Anyone who wants to join from Bangalore, get in touch at the id on the site and tell me too to co-ordinate the trip from here. Can only vouch for the ngo to the extent had been with it a while; be sure theres a fat ego somewhere but that the world is far wider. Speak out if you smell something badly wrong; youre free to do so cos your not a beholden item on their rolls.