Isthmus of Ignatz

Brick by Brick

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Show me what to do

How small can a person get? As small as me. One really doesnt know - i cannot argue for exceptional ambition. going by how far i've come materially. i 'm only thinking i would be happy not to kill anyone. and maybe save life namelessly. sandeep sent a photo - 'Vulture Child'. i dont know what was more disturbing - that the photojournalist left as soon as he'd taken the photo, that the photo was selected for the 'prize', he was selected 'winner'or that the photo's doing the rounds again for all the frigging same viewing and sympathy. i'm sorry i don't get it. the suicide comes as no surprise.inaction can haunt, toture and kill when you might have saved. fuck.

Meanwhile my sister's sent me a birthday card from sudan and she says she strangely misses me. i couldnt resist buying paste jewellery in pondi in memory of our 'imagination-imagination' games. and to me she's still the most original, finest mind i've ever known. I'll scan you her card art and put it up here soon. 2 giraffes it features. she and me. me the smaller, behind, and copying her all the time.
I miss a kind of mind.


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