Isthmus of Ignatz

Brick by Brick

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Me, baby cow, and sister

May I further introduce sis(on right). She's the inspired, assured, brilliant mind I was talking about somewhere sometime. The creator and partner in self-devised imagination-imagination games such as 'Ocean Ocean!' and 'Horse Horse!'. Being slow, quiet, and pathologically voyeuristic, i ensured her role in these games assumed that of manipulator. On the homerange front, she was so plainly and even tactically infallible, she never cried and was never beaten. Our imagination games came to an end when her breasts and periods developed, which made me do everything in my power to block such developments on me. She rerouted her powers to school and topped ruthelessly but masculinely - because it wasnt in the pince-nezed-dontcopy way girls ussually have when topping. She degged and phd in rome and has taken on all the ways of a besotted roman, which is great; the men are a pleasure; and the women are fine.
On the whole, she's still a bitch. And I soon hope to join her in Sudan for her work. We made a deal some time, some time - to make it to the masquerade in Venice some time. we'll make it.


At 1:40 PM, Blogger Ubermensch said...

hey is that you finny? she-guevera.
wheres teh 4head?

At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the guevara in me. 4head still budding.

At 9:35 PM, Blogger Yasmine Claire said...

you were a lil darling...I walkd calf today near ulsoor lake..and took him to CUPA ..looked just like him.

At 5:59 AM, Blogger Anushya said...

such a lovely photo.picture of comfortable,innocent childhood...ah!i love such photos.

At 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually anushya - nothing comfortable or innocent about childhood. but hey - did you know ur new name is 'sunshine'?


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