Isthmus of Ignatz

Brick by Brick

Friday, December 17, 2004

2-piece suit

Never intended going for the manic mindless mignight mass at all this christmas. But decided will do so just to cockasnook in a 2-piece 'kerala' sari at all the westlife chics and salwar suiters. Well in possession now is just the white sari and the 2 piece is really hipper; so dont know if we must go out just to buy this 2-piece and also wonder if mum will be of any help helping with it. She's the last laugh kind of lady - never know with her. So - its the 2-piece, but if one really wants to be respecting to legacy at all, the real choice has to be the veshti, which isnt so different from the 2-piece cept that its strict about the midriff cover and sgot this fan-like development over the rump. kwaaah - am i ready for it? shown first in pic is the 2-piece and second the veshti with kunuk (earrings). can it be done? holding talks with mum.(and the pics - dont know if have the right to display, will take down soon.)
What is with everyone and the indiacoffehouse? no. no. no. one more time someone says lezz meet ich - and will have run out of reactions for life. decided its gone on too far and the only ppl i'm going to agree meeting over there are the script ppl cos cant bother realigning with them anyway. I'm sure it has its secret charm with the turbans, camp posters, mirrors and general fashionable squalor. o right and its offical toilet for mg road. the sane waiters ply downstairs and know only 2 I really like. How about lakeside or premier books or night watchman, pecos or the third ditch behind the second bush from the start of church street this side?


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