Isthmus of Ignatz

Brick by Brick

Friday, December 03, 2004

The mechanics of sleaze

Timing is everything. It either happens or it doesnt. And you dont ever work on it. Say this because a person I didnt know too much about except that he had handed me work on a science script, took the porn leap somewhere else. Last afternoon at the coffee shop, well really I'd brought it up first suggesting my cous was working on porn. he said that really was the best way to start for the struggling. I agreed thinking hanif kureishi all the way and silently daydreamed for a while. And then he threw right at me the idea that if I wanted to work on porn, he would be glad to direct. so. fish. I said - you mean what? i work on the script or (and i didnt say this) - act? He said, anything. After a pause, I launched on the Shankacharya episode and what it tells about the rationalism of the South.
The good thing is that the prof we're reporting to is a confirmed Marxist so he's only handing this assignment to newbies. and our only competition is a group from cal, which could be something.


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