Isthmus of Ignatz

Brick by Brick

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Postbox, Crime

Meant to blog a day earlier about that evening. how i needed to chuck garbage in shivaginagar but the closest substitute for a dustbin was a postbox. So i went ahead and put it in. But u see it turned out it was a Use-me bin. To be as cryptic as one can get now about the now: ce soir, iggy slinked out of an establishment-appointed heures de heureux at nothing less outrageous than the one admittedly respresentational architectural crime of the city, a trend that began somewhere with le grand kids kemp. btw - c'est la meme rue. aussi, the crime is right opposite the point of context. J'avais passe le soir moi-meme at 2 second hand book shops. Now catch me for the indiscretion.


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