Isthmus of Ignatz

Brick by Brick

Monday, January 30, 2006

calm calm late bloomer

As a pal and I were walking up the road and returning there was this bunch of faceless bloody 'local boys' who werent even local to that street (ha!), they couldnt stand I dont know what. I mean they couldnt stand this: That as we walked along, me and my pal were having a nice healthy conversation. In english. and they couldnt understand none if it. Maybe it was a class issue as well joining issue with their other limpdicked issues, because we were especially dressed like fucking beggars. Feed a little more on 'jogi' boys - but we're this side of the battle ok?
So they said 'Yaa Yaa Yaa Yaa' as we passed by, which mildly irritated me cos I knew exactly where they were coming from (to use a cliche doing the rounds). I was mildly irritated enough to want to see their dicks ripped off by the street pet dogs who were walking with us. And then for some reason after a few minutes we had to turn back the other way to get to our destination. We passed by that group again And again:
'Yaa Yaa Yaa Yaa' - Young men speaking only words they think they know in english
'Limpdicks, suck my swinging tits and hand me your dicks so I can slap them in your asses. I WANT TO KILL YOU - FUCKING SEMEN STICKS!' - Me to them, screaming, shaking, fucking rahghing mad and gangraping them to death.
I'm really disappointed. Whats this whole city shit about? i'M FUCKING STEAMING ANGRY! So even if I'm goign to see vatal nagaraj with goondas at my door waving his fist about the fucking primacy of kannada or tamil, I'll rape him, man - fucking tear his dick and make him eat it. I'll do it.
*cooling down*
Language is one pretext for division - we should just shelf all the nicely academically recorded languages there are in this freeswinging country, so no one can call them forgotten languages atleast, and just jerking focus on one flipping language. Like English. Thank you rushdie for pointing out the urban malaise and false boasts of dwellers of Indian metros - who "can boast to speaking atleast 3-4 languages - all of them badly, none of them well". And I know a lot of fucking assholes in this city, who only wait to boast that they speak o wait kannada, tamil, telugu, malayalam, hindi, yeeeven urdu, o and english. So how do I say fuck you baby? You'd say it in english tit brains. Ever heard of the dysphemism treadmill? I dont know kannada too well - gothilla godzilla - so you see i'm a disadvantaged, poor fucking lady ripe to be overrun by the marauding half-knowers of a language that retains almost nothing of the original pali-influenced scriptless script. But I'll still kill you. and you'd choke on your blood saying sorry too late.


At 8:23 PM, Blogger misch said...

just wondering what those bloody locals boys would have said to 'Limpdicks, suck my swinging tits..'. think they would have ignored the limpdick part n gotten all erect dick to suck ur tits? swinging even if they were? 'ta ta dum dum tweet tweet...'

At 9:00 PM, Blogger JP said...

Good golly Miss Molly, you vituperate like a veritable viper! Well done.

Sadly, I feel much the same those local boys did abt you and your friend when I espy or overhear Biharis lumbering by chattering their chatter. Bangalore is full, go home. I guess urban living just breeds all these little bubbles of rage and turmoil.

At 12:02 AM, Blogger Finny Forever said...

misch: you will be my next victim. But to pick the bait - I would let them get the erection, it makes it easier for me to slash the meat.
jp: yes and big bubbles too. I think the resolution is something complex. or very simple. See - but again what does it mean that you said beharis and not bengalis. in this case the boys big bother was that we were girls they couldnt ask out.

At 1:09 AM, Blogger JP said...

Well, by and large Bengalis seem a little less obnoxious? I could be wrong, but the ones I know are less loutish than the Bihari techies.

I suspect one wouldn't want to encounter the girls these guys *could* ask out.

At 4:13 AM, Blogger Ubermensch said...

rapistaaaa mulderistaaa

At 7:57 AM, Blogger Finny Forever said...

mensch. :) . but whats mulderistaa?

At 11:51 AM, Blogger Ubermensch said...

mulder is no-- surname, is how a local boy calls out a murderer...
for eg.
local boy: ya ya ya ya
mulderer: limpdick, ill kill u ... (or rape u n then kill u)
local boy: mulderistaaaa ya ya ya

At 8:32 PM, Blogger misch said...

ubermensch you are funny!

At 7:50 AM, Blogger Ubermensch said...

misch...don u you are funny me:), get a piece of paper n finish the me me.


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