Isthmus of Ignatz

Brick by Brick

Friday, February 18, 2005

A moment of unextraordinary sublimation arrives for me usually in a crowded bus. And yesterday it was on the bus home: 125E. Seated, I unfurled the book i'm with and on it began before slowly the still bumble began populating. By the time the bumble began i was resting the book on the cantilever derriere of a woman lodged between me and the ent/ext railing - it was too convenient an offering and though many observed nobody objected least of all the derriere. Then 2 very small kids from a faraway school going back home found themselves instructed to jockey for space at the same lodge and as things usually go, the smaller of the 2 found herself wedged nightmarishly between the now shifted cantilever butt and a hostile passenger behind - she was horrified, near tears and silently wailed while looking torn woebegone and pleading at her guide/guardian(?). Made small space for her brief seat between me and the hostile passenger and there she sat, still on edge; my book shut thanks to the shifted catilever. Then I mock drifted on my knuckles, came round at one lurch and then remembered as much as the dear silky cutesy heads of the 2 small students were pettable, the universal child head is a wellknown hotbed of activity of diverese mutant lice forms. So though I was naturally given to offer a shoulder or body part, I though - lice I do not think I like. So had to nudge her to serious issues of the uncaring world.


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