Isthmus of Ignatz

Brick by Brick

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Economist

The Economist is worth the extreme price. Can the Big Mac index be applied to it? Read about its legendary style, no accident my friends. And a glossary that is the definitive fruit of enlightenment. Terms I latched to:
credence goods
catch up effect - game theory
ceteris paribus
comparitive advantage
diseconmies of scale
deadweight cost/loss

Mags wished for free subscription:
The New Scientist
Mags given into subscribing:
The Economist
Book wanted:
The Meme Machine


At 11:43 AM, Blogger Jellicles said...

eh..susan blackmore. she is sporting pink hair now. lovely lass even if she gets trippy with her buddhist stuff.

have you read any richard dawkins?

At 11:33 AM, Blogger Finny Forever said...

really? i like the idea that a meme will perpetaute itself someway whether ur the successful carrier or not. no dawkins yet. hear the form started by him.

At 9:02 AM, Blogger Jellicles said...

i was somewhat active in the memetics list for a while...there are other forums, this one is the 'official' one..

i also noticed you are somewhat of a book fiend..i think you'll like this> . chris of booktalk manages to rope in some interesting people for the author chat.


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