Scheme II
Survivor circa 2004
One thing's certain:
set in bone,
bound in muslin,
and headless
astride the first organic adventure motorbike
invented in 2002 at the BMKS COllege of Engg.(rural),
is a woman.
Note the one treacherous shoe tight
enough for the fibula;
a heel so sheer
men and even drag queens then knew better.
As for organic,
the only part of the bike I can confirm,
are the wheels, take a look.
one wheel is really 2 mushroom caps stitched
head to head exposing gills mocking spokes;
the whole made servicable by a patented process
featuring a lethal bleach and some cryogen.
The mechanics of the motorbike are regular,
its only the construction thats unique,
So lets not spend time on pistons, cylinders
and sundry cousins;
get straight to the legend of the lady.
She grips a unitary windshield handle
and she is tall, look at the legs.
When she had a body and life and walked,
men stopped to wonder at her statement.
Some thought her hooters took away from her line.
But her mischief was as intense as any high-strung
flat chested 4-footer's. And if only one feature
told the truth, they were her shoulders.
They're what got her selected to testdrive
Mobike Prototype 'SuperToNature', rolled out by the boys
of BMKS COllege of Engineering in the first place.